Thesis Statement Generator
- Find a topic.
- Create a good thesis statement.
- Generate an outline.
To use Thesis Statement Builder, you’ll need:
- A topic.
- Opinions about the topic.
- Reasons for your opinion and a main reason others might disagree.
- Answer the following questions in short phrases (not full sentences).
- Do not use periods / full stops (.) at the end or capital letters at the beginning of the phrases you write.
- Click the “Build a Thesis” button when you’re finished.
- A window will pop open with your Built Thesis.
- Go back and adjust your answers to smooth out the thesis until
it makes sense and expresses your beliefs. Clicking on the “Build a
Thesis” button again will update your thesis to show your changes.
- Once you’ve got a thesis statement, use the Make an Online Outline button to generate the framework for your essay.
Let’s start to build.